KDH Urges Other Opposition Parties Not to Take Part in New House Chair Vote

dnes 17:59
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - The Christian Democrats (KDH) on Friday urged the other opposition parties not to take part in a potential parliamentary session convened to elect a new House chair, TASR learnt from KDH's press department on the same day. The Parliament Office told TASR that no such motion to convene a special emergency session has been filed yet. KDH underlined that the opposition shouldn't attend the session, as this will be the coalition's "own self-test" to find out whether it's still capable of governing the country. "In KDH, we see no reason to assist them with that test," added the party. Legislators of the 'Slovakia' party won't take part in the vote, either. "The 'Slovakia' party won't be lending any help to the governing coalition to mend fences within its ranks," said party chair Igor Matovic, adding that the coalition parties have proven themselves unable to elect a House chair for ten months and have wasted time bickering among themselves instead. MP Maria Kolikova (SaS) sees no reason to participate in such a potential session and is confident that no one in the opposition will support a Voice-SD nominee to the post. MP Ondrej Dostal (SaS) pointed out that 76 votes are needed to fill the House chair vacancy. "Whether the opposition doesn't participate, votes against, abstains, takes the ballot papers and carries them out of the chamber, all of that will only lead to the same outcome. The coalition needs 76 [votes] and has 76 at the moment. If they wish, they can elect the chair, but there's no reason for us to help them," said Dostal at a press conference. MP Zuzana Stevulova (PS) thinks that it's up to the coalition to demonstrate whether it has the unity necessary to elect a new parliamentary chair. As to whether the entire process will go smoothly, she's rather sceptical. mf/df
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