Fico: Slovakia Rejects Militaristic Meetings of Warmongering Countries

dnes 19:49
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - The EU summit in Brussels is a forum for many diverse stances, where other opinions receive proper respect, but Slovakia has no business taking part in "militaristic meetings of warmongering countries" on the war in Ukraine that are held in Paris or London, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) declared in his social network post on Friday. "Even though I welcomed the summit in Brussels, we in the Government are not completely happy with its proposed conclusions. I won't cast doubt over the necessity to increase the defence capabilities of Europe, but I hold serious objections to the conclusions regarding Ukraine. These don't take into the account the military reality on the ground whatsoever and only confirm that the absolute majority of the EU member states wish to see the continuation of the war in Ukraine," said Fico. The strategy, which posits that Ukraine should go into the negotiations with the strongest position possible is unrealistic in Fico's view. According to Fico, the "peace through power" strategy has been invented only as a fig leaf to enable the continuation of the war. Fico underlined that Slovakia is advocating an immediate cessation of hostilities and won't support Ukraine either financially or militarily. He added that the EU doesn't really wish to help, but only continue the hostile campaign against Russia, even though such a strategy is unsuccessful and also fatal for Ukraine. In addition, Slovakia requests the invitation of Ukraine to the summit with an eye towards restoring the transit of gas through its soil to Europe. mf
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