Police Press Charges Against Machete-wielding Attacker

včera 20:49
Kosice, February 28 (TASR) - A Kosice-based investigator pressed charges of an attack on public official against a 29-year-old man and drafted a motion to take him into police custody, which a pre-trial judge accepted on Friday, the Kosice regional police posted on its social network on the same day. A patrol was despatched on Wednesday (February 26) evening in response to reports from citizens fearing for their lives and health, who complained about the presence of the man armed with a machete at one of the petrol stations. The 29-year-old man started to flee upon the arrival of the police and once his car was stopped, he mounted active resistance, swinging the machete at one of the police officers. Subsequently, another police officer shot the man, who ended up in a hospital. mf
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