Sutaj Estok: Any Defence Spending Hike Must Be Contingent on Hybrid Use

včera 20:59
Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - Any future defence spending hike must be contingent on the hybrid use of investments, so that the money going into defence can be utilized also by projects for civilians, Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok declared in his social media post on Friday. Sutaj Estok will promote this stance at a roundtable on defence spending, due to be convened by President Peter Pellegrini. "We have roads and bridges in a severe state of disrepair and these are needed not only for military logistics but particularly for everyday commute and travel of Slovak inhabitants," said the minister. In his view, any procurements of specialised equipment must be used also by firefighters and first-aid responders to deal with emergency situation at times of peace. Also to be built or modernised with defence money are hospitals, both for soldiers and civilians alike. Sutaj Estok underlined that although security of Slovakia is important, almost equally important is the efficient and prudent use of public finances, especially at the time of consolidation. mf
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