Police: Injured Tractor Driver in Skalite Fails Breathalyser Test

včera 21:19
Skalite/Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - The aftermath of Tuesday's (February 25) tractor crash in Skalite (Zilina region), in which the 58-year-old driver sustained injuries, led to criminal prosecution, after it turned out that the tractor driver had more than two per mille of alcohol on his breath, the Zilina regional police reported in its social media post on Friday. The accident took place on a forest road in the Zilina region. While towing a log trailer, the driver misteered the vehicle off the road and the Zetor tractor ended up on its roof. "The tractor driver sustained injuries that required medical attention, so he was given an air transport to a hospital. Subsequently, the man failed a breathalyser test, with 2.02 per mille of alcohol detected on his breath," reads the post. Police launched criminal prosecution over public endangerment under intoxication. mf
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