Kamenicky: Election of House Chair Could Be Held Next Week

dnes 17:57
(STVR, 'Sobotne dialogy', March 1) The election of the House chair could be held next week, said Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky (Smer-SD) on STVR's politics programme 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues). "As far as I know, it could happen. It is important for us to make it clear that there's agreement on a name, and then it is necessary to ensure that there's a majority in Parliament to vote for the name proposed," said Kamenicky. Opposition MP Marian Viskupic (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS), also on the show, confirmed that SaS won't back Richard Rasi (Voice-SD) for the House chair post. He thinks that the entire opposition won't take part in the election, either. "If they really only care about themselves and their posts, let the coalition handle it itself," he said. Viskupic added that they respect the opposition Progressive Slovakia's (PS) decision regarding the election of the House vice-chair. They would support a potential candidate from PS. Kamenicky assumes that one of the MPs around Samuel Migal (Independent) will become the new investment minister. Concerning the defence expenditures, the minister stated that Slovakia is able to allocate 2 percent of GDP for this purpose. Viskupic said that 2 percent is Slovakia's current commitment and that we have no money to spare. He views it essential that all NATO countries adhere to this minimum limit. Viskupic opines that SaS should take part in a roundtable on the defence spending organised by President Peter Pellegrini. ko
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