Enviro: Winter Bear Activity Higher Due to Mild Winter

včera 19:12
Ruzomberok, March 1 (TASR) - The increased activity of brown bears is due to the mild climatic conditions this winter and the absence of snow cover, TASR was told by the communications department of the State Nature Conservation (SOP). According to the SOP, the bear is not a true hibernator and it is therefore common for it to wake up several times during the winter months. It may change den and habitat and then actively search for sources of water and food, after which it may hibernate again for a short period of time. This activity is higher during mild winters, but rare in harsher winters. "Generally speaking, gravid female bears that give birth in winter have the longest hibernation and it can be uninterrupted; on the contrary, young sub-adults, non-lactating females and adult males have intermittent hibernation. The main purpose of hibernation is to reduce the amount of energy expended during periods when food is scarce and climatic conditions are more unfavourable for survival," said the SOP. am/mcs/ko
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