Slovak Firefighters Still Helping Their Czech Peers at Train Accident Scene

včera 18:56
Bratislava/Hustopece nad Becvou, March 2 (TASR) - Slovak firefighters continue to assist their Czech peers at the scene of the freight train accident that took place near the Czech village of Hustopece nad Becvou on Friday (February 28), the Firefighter and Emergency Corps (HaZZ) have posted on a social network. "Investigation authorities are carrying out an inspection of the accident site today. HaZZ members deployed the COLOSSUS Robot for reconnaissance, while determining the temperature of the crashed wagons. The measured temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius," wrote the firefighters. The freight train carrying benzene in tanks derailed on Friday shortly before noon near the village of Hustopece nad Becvou in the Olomouc region, near the Slovak border. The damaged tanks started to burn due to the leak of highly flammable toxic benzene. No one was injured in the accident. Czech firefighters asked their Slovak colleagues for help. ko
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