SaS Calls on President Not to Appoint Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister

dnes 14:00
Bratislava, March 3 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party is calling on President Peter Pellegrini not to appoint Independent MP Rudolf Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister, arguing that it would be an international embarrassment for Slovakia and that Huliak lacks the experience and personal qualifications for the role, TASR learnt from the party's spokesperson Ondrej Sprlak. "If President Pellegrini appoints Rudolf Huliak, he will only confirm that the Tourism and Sport Ministry is a part of political patronage and corruption. Furthermore, he'll appoint someone whose agenda was based on withdrawing from the EU and NATO. Such a nomination will be a disgrace for all of Slovakia," said SaS leader Branislav Groehling. According to SaS, it's unacceptable for a ministry responsible for supporting athletes and developing tourism to be led by someone with such extreme views and without relevant experience. "Huliak at the Tourism and Sport Ministry won't only insult all athletes; he'll also damage Slovakia's foreign-policy reputation," stated Groehling . At the same time, SaS stressed that Huliak doesn't have the personal qualifications or experience to head such a ministry. "The paradox is that the government argued precisely that sport and tourism required better and more professional support, which is why a separate ministry was created. However, now it's to be led by someone who has absolutely no knowledge of this area. The only correct solution would be to abolish this ministry and save hundreds of millions of euros," added SaS MP Marian Viskupic. lin/df
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