Remisova: Not Slovakia's Problem Which Route Russia Will Use to Bring Gas to Us

dnes 15:13
Bratislava, March 4 (TASR) - Russia has committed itself to supplying gas to Slovakia's border, and it isn't Slovakia's problem which route it uses to do so, representatives of the opposition parliamentary caucus composed of the 'Slovakia', 'For the People' and KU parties stated on Tuesday at a press conference in response to Monday's (March 3) statements by Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD). "Fico is misleading voters when it comes to Russian gas. Slovakia has an agreement with Russia until 2034 in which Russia has undertaken to supply us with gas up to our border, and it isn't Slovakia's problem which way it chooses to supply us with gas. Slovakia has always been a reliable partner, we pay the market price for gas, and now it's up to Russia to respect this contract," said opposition MP Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia', 'For the People', KU). According to her, the prime minister also lied in relation to gas from Azerbaijan, as Ukraine has been declaring for a year that it's willing to allow its transit. Opposition MP Michal Sipos ('Slovakia', 'For the People', KU) added that the premier should sit at a table with Slovakia's European allies because it's these leaders who ensure the country's prosperity and security. "Fico is spitting in the faces of our closest allies, and yet he wants them to ensure that Slovakia receives EU funds from the EU," he stated. Ahead of the Thursday's (March 6) EU summit in Brussels, the premier stated on Monday (March 3) that almost all the gas that Ukraine buys on the EU market is of Russian origin, adding that Slovakia will propose that an explicit request to Ukraine to resume the transit of Russian or other gas through its territory should be included in the summit's conclusions. am/df
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