KDH Calls Announced Appointment of Huliak as Minister Bad Joke

4. marca 2025 19:46
Bratislava, March 4 (TASR) - Opposition Christian Democrat (KDH) party is disappointed with President Peter Pellegrini's decision to appoint Rudolf Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister, calling it a bad joke, TASR learnt from KDH's communications department on Tuesday. "Despite the fact that the president personally assures everyone of Slovakia's strong anchorage within the EU and NATO, he plans to appoint on Wednesday (March 5) to a high state position a person whose party, until recently, had in its programme the country's withdrawal from both organisations," the party stated. KDH views the appointment of Huliak as the president’s endorsement of the ruling coalition's deals. According to KDH, the president is supporting the preservation of the coalition at the cost of having a person in charge of the ministry who has no plan for it and has never been interested in it. 'Slovakia' party leader Igor Matovic also reacted to the planned appointment of Huliak as a minister. "Huliak claimed he cared about values. In the end, he was bought off with a government BMW and ministerial deals," stated he. On Wednesday, Pellegrini will appoint Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister, while removing Dusan Keketi (a Slovak Natioan Party/SNS nominee) from the post. The proposal for his dismissal was submitted to the president last week by Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD). The Tourism and Sport Ministry was transferred from the Slovak National Party (SNS) to the Smer-SD party following an amendment to the coalition agreement. The changes occurred in response to the altered composition of MPs in Parliament. lin
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