Government to Deal with Employment Services and Cooperation with Turkmenistan

včera 9:28
Bratislava, March 5 (TASR) - The state might remove benefits from unemployed people in material need if they refuse to take an adequate job offer, according to a draft amendment to the law on employment services due to be discussed by the Cabinet at its regular session on Wednesday. The government should also deal with a draft amendment to the law on inland navigation. In line with the draft, fines for non-compliance with the law should be tripled on average. Sanctions for repeated violations might climb to €2,000-€50,000. Sanctions for overloading vessels should be toughened as well. The bill on psychological and psychotherapeutic activities submitted to the session by the Health Ministry should contribute to improving the quality of psychological and psychotherapeutic care. The bill's aim is to improve the availability of high-quality psychological and psychotherapeutic care and ensure uniform regulation and supervision of performance of these professions. A draft agreement on economic cooperation between Slovakia and Turkmenistan is also on the agenda of the session. The states should provide greater support for investment activities, economic cooperation, the establishment of joint ventures and the opening of representative offices and branches of companies in the two countries. The Slovak-Turkmen commission for economic cooperation should be created as part of the agreement as well. ko
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