Prosecutor Appeals in Case of Sutaj Estok's Alleged Election Interference

včera 17:53
Bratislava, March 5 (TASR) - Bratislava I District Prosecutor's Office has appealed against the decision of Bratislava District Office in the case of the alleged violation of the 2024 presidential election moratorium by Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD), as the prosecutor doesn't accept the reasons given for having her complaint rejected and still insists on its merits, Gabriela Kovacova of the Bratislava Region Prosecutor's Office told TASR on Wednesday. She added that the motion will be up to the Interior Ministry to decide. "In the appeal, the prosecutor pointed to an unjustified and unlawful interpretation of the legal definition of the election campaign, the absence of any relevant legal considerations that would warrant the decision passed by Bratislava District Office ... and its reference to the legal conclusions of a court decision that didn't concern a case of comparable parameters," said Kovacova. In the past, Bratislava District Office decided that Sutaj Estok hadn't violated the law by having a paid ad posted on social media shortly before the presidential election, which presented one of the candidates in a bad light. Bratislava I District Prosecutor's Office filed a complaint in December, which was rejected by the District Office. mf/df
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