SAV: Czech Academy of Sciences Decorates Sajgalik with Top Award

včera 18:18
Bratislava, March 5 (TASR) - The Czech Academy of Sciences has decorated chair of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) Pavol Sajgalik with its top award, the De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis medal, in recognition of his contribution to cooperation between the two institutions, TASR learnt from SAV spokesperson Monika Tinakova on Wednesday. "The history of the Czech Academy of Sciences goes further back, which is why we appreciate the 'sibling relationship' between the two institutions, based on principles of partnership and friendship, all the more. We often turn to our fellow [Czech] colleagues for advice or with a request for aid, and I don't remember having ever received anything but qualified and cordial reply," said Sajgalik. mf/df
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