Scheduled Events for T H U R S D A Y, March 6, 2025

včera 21:12
BRATISLAVA 11.00 Press conference by Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) Subject: ZMOS Calls for Higher Property Taxes, SaS Strongly Opposes Finance Ministry, Stefanovicova 5 11.40 Press conference by Defence Minister Robert Kalinak and Czech Defence Minister Jana Cernochova Subject: Signing of Agreement Between Slovak and Czech Defence Ministries Defence Ministry, Namestie generala Viesta 2 13.00 President Peter Pellegrini to meet with families of those who lost their lives to COVID-19 Presidential Palace, Hodzovo namestie 1 14.20 Press conference by Foreign Affairs and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar and his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto Foreign and European Affairs Ministry, Hlboka cesta 2 lin
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