'Slovakia' Party Urges PS to Withdraw Proposal for Special Session
dnes 12:05
Bratislava, March 6 (TASR) - The opposition 'Slovakia' party is urging Progressive Slovakia (PS) to withdraw its proposal for a special session on the transaction tax on Thursday, warning that during the session, Miroslav Radacovsky, the planned substitute for new Tourism and Sports Minister Rudolf Huliak, may take his oath, thereby securing a majority for the coalition, TASR learnt from the 'Slovakia' party's spokesman Matus Bystriansky on Thursday.
"The reality of this threat is confirmed by a similar experience from November 2023, when during an opposition special session on a no-confidence motion in Lubos Blaha [former parliamentary vice-chair], two replacements took their parliamentary oaths," said Bystriansky.
As the party noted, the governing coalition lost an MP with the appointment of Huliak, and it currently has only 75 guaranteed votes, meaning that it doesn't have the majority required to open a session.
"I believe that PS's actions are simply the result of political inexperience. Therefore, we urge PS not to help Fico secure a government majority in Parliament and to withdraw this proposal immediately. Otherwise, it [PS] will bear full responsibility for strengthening the government coalition," stated 'Slovakia's leader Igor Matovic.
MP and 'For the People' party leader Veronika Remisova, believes that the coalition should secure a majority by its own efforts. "Democracy operates on a simple principle – those who have the majority govern," she added.