Slovak Historian and Former Politician Dusan Caplovic Passes Away

7. marca 2025 10:33
Bratislava, March 7 (TASR) - Slovak politician, historian, and archaeologist Dusan Caplovic passed away on Thursday evening (March 6), TASR has learnt from his family. Caplovic previously served as vice-premier, Education Minister, and was also Smer-SD party vice-chair. Dusan Caplovic was born on September 18, 1946. He completed his university studies at the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava in 1969. Until 2002, he worked at the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) in Nitra. From 1992 to 2001, he serves as a member of the Presidium of SAV in Bratislava. From 2002 to 2012, Caplovic was repeatedly elected as an MP and held various positions in the government. Caplovic was also the author of numerous academic publications in the field of history, published both in Slovakia and abroad. lin
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