Premier Regrets Caplovic's Passing, Expresses Sympathy to His Closest People
7. marca 2025 11:52
Bratislava, March 7 (TASR) - Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) at a news conference on Friday spoke of his regret over the death of politician Dusan Caplovic and expressed deep sympathies to his family, close people and friends.
"He was my friend, a prominent representative of the left-wing movement, as he was an authentic leftist, a social democrat, and it's a pity that he could not stay with us for a few more years and at least support us, as he did until the last moment," said Fico.
Slovak politician, historian and archaeologist Dusan Caplovic died on Thursday evening (March 6). He previously served as vice-premier and education minister, and he was also Smer-SD party vice-chair.