SNS Proposes to Reject Introduction and Expansion of Sanctions against Russia

včera 19:40
Bratislava, March 8 (TASR) - The coalition Slovak National Party (SNS) is to submit a resolution to Parliament to reject the introduction and expansion of sanctions against Russia, which are detrimental to Slovakia's economic interests, the party said in a statement on Saturday. SNS has also called on the government to analyse the impact of the sanctions measures carefully and to protect Slovak economic interests. "The sanctions take more from us than they give. The result is rising energy prices, loss of competitiveness for our businesses and deepening economic uncertainty. We can't stand idly by and watch someone else make decisions for us while weakening us economically. Slovakia must protect its interests, not blindly follow decisions that harm us," said SNS leader and House Vice-chair Andrej Danko. According to the party, the sanctions policy against Russia has serious negative consequences for the Slovak economy, industry and the standard of living of the population. It warned that further restrictions on trade and energy could lead to an increase in the prices of strategic raw materials. am
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