Prime Minister: Kazimir Doesn't Have Smer-SD's Support for Post of NBS Governor
včera 20:32
(STVR, 'Sobotne dialogy', March 8)
Speaking on STVR's politics programme 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues), Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said that he doesn't think that Peter Kazimir would have the support of Smer-SD MPs in his possible repeated vote in Parliament to the post of governor of Slovakia's central bank (NBS).
Kazimir's term in office ends in June this year and he could hold the post once more. It isn't yet known whom the government will nominate for the post of NBS governor.
The premier drew attention to the situation from several years ago, when some MPs from the then opposition Smer-SD left and founded a new party, Voice-SD. "I think that Peter Kazimir played a very important role when MPs from Smer left at that time. I don't think Kazimir would have the support of Smer, I don't think so when it comes to our fellow MPs," stated Fico.
The government's proposal for the NBS governor must be approved by Parliament and the president ultimately appoints him to the post.