Opposition MPs Want to Ban Energy Drinks for Children under 15
dnes 15:30
Bratislava, March 9 (TASR) - A group of opposition MPs is proposing to ban the sale of energy drinks to children under the age of 15, and they want to push this through via an amendment to the Act on the Protection, Promotion and Development of Public Health that they have submitted to Parliament, TASR learnt at a press conference this week held by MPs Richard Vasecka, Rastislav Kratky (both 'Slovakia', 'For the People', KU) and Branislav Skripek (Christian Democrats/KDH).
"We've submitted a bill to a parliamentary session that introduces a ban on energy drinks for children under 15. It's a very simple thing, I would say unquestionable. Even experts say that the consumption of energy drinks has negative consequences on a child's organism," stated Vasecka.
At the same time, the sponsors pointed to several health risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks. "Today we already know about disturbed sleep, disturbed lifestyles and problems with high blood pressure and heart problems," pointed out Skripek.
In the amendment, the MPs have therefore proposed a ban on selling or offering to taste drinks containing caffeine, taurine or potassium above a defined limit to persons under the age of 15. They pointed out that a ban on the sale of energy drinks is in force in several other European countries.