Premier Doesn't Think Government Is in Danger of Collapsing at Moment

včera 16:14
(TA3, 'V politike', March 9) Speaking on TA3's discussion programme 'V politike' (In Politics) on Sunday, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said that he doesn't think the government is currently in danger of collapsing, however, he didn't rule out the possibility of an early parliamentary election, stressing that it will only take place if Smer-SD wants it to be held. The premier pointed out that the ruling coalition currently has the support of 76 MPs in Parliament but he's interested in restoring the 79. He confirmed the ongoing negotiations with Independent MPs Samuel Migal and Radomir Salitros, who were expelled from the Voice-SD party, as well as with Voice-SD MP Jan Ferencak. "We have 76 MPs today. But I'm not naïve. It's very, very difficult to govern with 76 because anyone can drop out at any time," he stated, denying that he's responsible for the situation in the coalition. He pointed out that Voice-SD and the Slovak National Party (SNS) had problems inside and Smer-SD remained stable. The prime minister pointed out that he didn't take the advantage of the problems of the coalition partners, adding that although Smer-SD received two new ministries under its remit after the coalition agreement was amended, he wants to use this to rebuild the 79-MP support in the House. He noted that the new leadership of the Tourism and Sport Ministry and the Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Ministry will be politically accountable to him. "The premier has political authority over every minister. If a minister makes a mistake, the prime minister has the duty to make a proposal to the president to dismiss him," he added. am
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