Stur210: Exhibition in Zvolen Museum Highlights Ludovit Stur's Character

včera 18:01
Zvolen, March 9 (TASR) - An exhibition at the Forestry and Timber Museum in Zvolen (Banska Bystrica region), which recalls poet Ludovit Stur's relationship with his family, Zvolen, and Adela Ostrolucka [considered to be one of Stur's love interests - ed. note], remains relevant on the 210th anniversary of his birth, TASR has learnt from museum curator and historian Tatiana Figurova. The curator added that Stur also played a significant role as a representative of Zvolen, where he had former students from the Evangelical Lyceum and contacts with the Ostrolucky family. "He understood that he would be more successful in his activities if he was politically involved. He approached the town council to elect him in 1847 and began working in the Hungarian parliament," she explained, noting that he received instructions from the town, defended its interests and also pursued his own political and social agenda. According to the historian, if schools are interested in learning more about the life of Ludovit Stur, the museum's historians are at their disposal. "We're willing to give lectures at schools as well, but the ideal location is on our premises, where it's authentic," she noted, adding that there's a need to make an appointment in advance to see the exhibition. The exhibition presents the Ostrolucky family as one of the oldest and most influential noble families in the Zvolen area. One relic of their legacy on display is a library consisting of six thousand books from the 16th to the 20th centuries. It was bought by the town of Zvolen after 1945. Furniture from the family's manor house, associated with Adela, including a spinet (a stringed keyboard instrument), a lady's table, Rococo furniture, paintings and literature on music, is also showcased. "One rare item is a literary diary that she kept, containing excerpts from what she read," explained the curator. Stur was the most significant figure in Slovak national life in the first half of the 19th century, and special Years of Ludovit Stur has been regularly celebrated in Slovakia since 1985. lin/df/am
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