Simecka: Coalition Shows Its Double Standards by Not Convening Special Session

dnes 15:09
Bratislava, March 10 (TASR) - By its decision not to enable the convening of a special extraordinary session of Parliament, initiated by the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party in an effort to hold a vote on scrapping the transaction tax, the governing coalition has demonstrated its double standards, PS chair Michal Simecka stated in a social media post on Monday. Simecka pointed to the decision taken by temporary House chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD), who argued that the agenda of the session would have been identical to a motion that Parliament rejected back in December and that the six-month period before the same motion is allowed to be resubmitted hasn't yet elapsed. "Our proposal to scrap the transaction tax was formulated differently from that of Mr. [MP Marian] Viskupic's (SaS). It pursued the same goal, but in different ways. And it was the same type of case as in the past when Parliament's leadership allowed a vote on MP Migal's proposal only a month after a similar proposal, formulated differently but pursuing the same goal, had been tabled by MP Stevulova," underlined Simecka, who believes that the coalition is afraid that a majority could be found in the House to nix the tax. At the same time, in Simecka's view, it turned out that fearmongering about how the coalition might take advantage of the extraordinary special session to restore its majority by letting Miroslav Radacovsky be sworn in as a replacement MP for Rudolf Huliak was misguided. "According to our information, the House leadership plans to let him [Radacovsky] take his oath before the vote at the next regular session," added Simecka. mf/df
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