ANS President Petko Should Resign, Say Krajci and Valocky
dnes 17:15
Bratislava, March 10 (TASR) - President of the Slovak Hospitals Association (ANS) Marian Petko, found guilty of corruption by the Supreme Court, should resign, thinks ex-health minister and MP Marek Krajci (Slovakia-For the People-KU), while coalition MP Jozef Valocky (Smer-SD) claimed that he would even step down from the post of Bardejov Hospital director if he were in Petko's shoes.
"The director should resign as ANS President at the very least because he's representing them [hospitals], and he's in constant touch with them. How can we even take seriously a person convicted of corruption? I call on ANS to find a different head instead," said Krajci, who finds the punishment in the form of a €10,000 fine too mild. Krajci pointed out that as a hospital director Petko is still free to vie for public resources.
Coalition MP Valocky would resign as hospital director if he were Petko. "I don't know under whose aegis that hospital belongs, but I expect them to have a talk with him and address this," he said.
The Supreme Court found Petko guilty of accepting bribes for assigning hospital construction projects to specific firms, thus causing damages of more than €621,000. It sentenced him to a fine of €10,000.