Remisova Files Proposal to NKU Over Agriculture Ministry's Consulting Contracts
včera 20:26
Bratislava, March 10 (TASR) - The Agriculture Ministry led by Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD), has signed contracts for external consulting in public procurement worth hundreds of thousands of euros, which opposition MP Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia-For the People-KU') stated on Monday, announcing she would submit a request to the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) to review these contracts.
"We want to draw attention to the fact that a few days ago, the minister signed a contract worth over €100,000 for consulting in public procurement, by the way, with the well-known company Process Management, which gained attention in the overpriced ferry scandal, in the illegal Tipos contract, and which recently received another huge package from the Railways of the Slovak Republic," Remisova stated.
Remisova added that these aren't specialised tasks in public procurement, but rather the routine duties. "For example, posting tender documents on the website, preparing reports from the opening and evaluation of bids, or compiling documents for public procurement. The only difference is that a civil servant does this work for €72 per day, while the external consultant hired by Minister Takac does it for €900 per day," Remisova explained.
According to the MP, the Office of Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadastre, which falls under the ministry, recently signed a contract with the same company for consulting in public procurement worth €175,000.
"I also want to point out other contracts, again for consulting in public procurement. Once again under Minister Takac, this time for €132,000, an incredible €110 per hour for an external consultant. Therefore, the contracts under Minister Takac have totaled €420,000 in just the last ten working days," Remisova stated.