Mikulec: Appointment of Fabian Threatens Interior Ministry's Air Unit
včera 21:07
Bratislava, March 10 (TASR) - MP and former interior minister Roman Mikulec ('Slovakia', 'For the People', KU) claims that the appointment of Daniel Fabian as the head of the Interior Ministry's Air Unit, effective from March 1, jeopardises its operation, TASR has learnt from party's spokesman Matus Bystriansky .
Mikulec has called on President Peter Pellegrini to ensure that Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) dismisses the head of the unit.
Mikulec stated that after the arrival of the new head key personnel in the department are resigning. According to Mikulec, the safety of the highest constitutional officials transported by the air service is at risk.
According to the party, Mikulec has information that helicopter pilots also plan to resign. "Another institution is failing under the current interior minister's leadership. Sutaj Estok is directly endangering not only the safety of constitutional officials but also the safety of all people of Slovakia," he said.
In response to Mikulec's claims, the Interior Ministry stated that these are lies and hoax aiming to spread fear. According to the ministry, they are trying to address the situation of the aviation unit, which, they claim, was destabilised by Mikulec during his term.