Ferencak: I Haven't Communicated with Sutaj Estok Since February 18

včera 15:59
Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) - MP Jan Ferencak (Voice-SD) told TASR on Tuesday that he last communicated with Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok on February 18 and that they haven't been in touch since then. "I was only contacted a week ago by [Investment Minister and Voice-SD vice-chair Richard] Rasi, who briefly asked me whether I'll come so that a session can be opened and whether I'll eventually support him [in the election for the new House chair - ed. note]. This conversation lasted about a minute," said Ferencak, adding that he has no information that a session should be opened now, or what election should it concern. Ferencak would prefer the governing coalition to be first stabilised with the support of all 79 MPs before it holds an election. He views an election with 76 or 77 MPs as risky, as any MP could make a mistake. "I see no reason why any election should be held at any cost without it being clear how this governing coalition should continue," said Ferencak, adding that he's currently communicating on the issue of stabilising the number of MPs of the governing coalition with the premier. Sutaj Estok said earlier on Tuesday that according to information available to him, Ferencak will take part in the House chair election and support Rasi in it. He said that a Coalition Council meeting will be held on the issue on Tuesday afternoon, and if they find out that they have a sufficient number of MPs, they will discuss convening a special House session on this matter. ko/df
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