President's Office Receives Petition Calling for Lifting of Sanctions on Russia

včera 16:54
Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) - The President's Office on Tuesday received a petition with public signatures from a petition committee represented by Matus Alexa, the office told TASR on Tuesday, adding that it will file it in accordance with the law. Alexa is active in a civic association called 'Motorcyclists of Slovakia - Brother for Brother'. The petition concerns a call on the government via which it wants to see sanctions against Russia lifted. "We've received the files and will deal with them in accordance with the law," the President Office's communications department told TASR. The 'Brother for Brother' association announced on a social network that it would finish collecting signatures for a petition calling for the lifting of sanctions against Russia on Tuesday. The petition asks the government to use all its powers "in order to lift all sanctions, restrictive measures and other restrictions in the financial, economic, international law, as well as cultural, sporting and other areas of public life, which are directed against the Russian Federation, as well as individuals associated with the Russian Federation". The organisation claims that the sanctions against Russia are detrimental to Slovakia's interests. am/df
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