Drucker: One-day Mid-year Holiday for Schools to be Reintroduced

dnes 9:52
Bratislava, March 12 (TASR) - A one-day mid-year holiday for schools will be reintroduced, Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) has announced on a social network. "A mid-year holiday will be back. I am signing the draft decree to reintroduce this holiday. There's need to make a full stop after the end of the first half of a school year," stated the minister. The decree should take effect as of April 1 of this year. The mid-year holiday was dropped from the school holiday schedule as of May 30, 2022. "However, practice over two years has shown that a mid-year holiday is justified, even if it lasts for only one day," stated the Education Ministry. ko
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