FPU Council Approves Change to Statutes and New Chairman

včera 16:57
Bratislava, March 12 (TASR) - The Council of the Art Support Fund (FPU) on Wednesday approved a change to its statutes, spokeswoman for the fund Eva Turanska told TASR on the same day, adding that members of the council also elected a new chairman, namely current vice-chairman Matus Olha. "The approved form of the statute is based on the amended version agreed at the previous council meeting. It's taken the comments into account while omitting the most radical changes originally proposed," said Turanska. At the meeting on Wednesday, council members also approved a new chairman. After March 28, when the mandate of the current head of the council, Dusan Buran, is due to end, current vice-chairman Matus Olha will take over. "Eight members of the council voted for him," noted Turanska. Olha is one of the newer members of the council, nominated by Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (a Slovak National Party/SNS nominee). Incumbent chairman of the FPU Council Dusan Buran announced that he wouldn't run for the post again because he doesn't identify with the council's decisions. am/df
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