NCZI and UDZS Sign Memorandum That Should Contribute to Digital Transformation

včera 12:30
Bratislava, March 13 (TASR) - The National Health Information Centre (NCZI) has signed a memorandum on cooperation with the Health-care Supervisory Office, NCZI communications and marketing department head Alena Krcova has informed TASR. The two institutions have committed themselves to a strategic partnership with the aim not only of accelerating the digital transformation, but also of creating a sophisticated system for analysing and utilising health data. NCZI and UDZS have agreed to exchange data intensively and to implement innovative technologies to ensure a smooth information flow and the efficient use of resources. In the field of health data analysis, they will use the latest analytical and methodological tools to gain a deeper insight into health trends and the needs of the population. The cooperation will also cover the issuing of e-cards for health-care professionals and the organisation of professional events that will contribute towards disseminating knowledge and adopting new procedures. The two institutions will jointly use their personnel, spatial and technical capacities with an emphasis on involving experts in a flexible manner and using resources efficiently. "The signing of the memorandum demonstrates our vision of a smart health-care system in which data and technology serve as tools to improve the quality of people's lives," said NCZI director Pavol Vrsansky. UDZS chairman Michal Palkovic pointed out that by signing the memorandum, the institutions have laid the foundations for improving processes in the health-care sector long term. ko/df
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