Drucker: Talented University Students to Be Eligible for Scholarships

dnes 14:12
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - Talented domestic or foreign bachelor and master-degree students who begin their studies at Slovak universities as of the next academic year will be able to apply for scholarships, Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) told a news conference on Friday. It will be possible to send in applications as of the second quarter of this year, with specific terms being published at the launch. More than €38 million has been allocated for scholarships and support activities to improve university education from EU funds and €15 million from the state budget until the end of 2029. "Slovakia is suffering from an outflow of young talent, and we want to make it stay in Slovakia, as we believe that our universities have something to offer these young people," said the minister. He views continuing the talent scholarships project under the Slovakia Programme as important, therefore. Annual support for domestic students will increase from €3,000 to €4,000, while foreign students can receive as much as €5,000 per academic year. A scholarship can only be obtained once, before starting a bachelor's or master's degree. The Education Ministry noted that the scholarship scheme focuses mainly on fields of study that support innovation and research. At the same time, the ministry has also secured the financing of scholarships for university students in Bratislava region, who will be supported from the state budget. The Education Ministry successfully defended the project before the Monitoring Committee for the Slovakia Programme 2021-2027 last December. The project includes supporting activities, such as the Alma Mater university fair, which will take place in 12 towns and cities across Slovakia in March and April. ko/df
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