UDZS Strongly Objects to Statements Made by Government Proxy Kotlar
dnes 16:41
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - The Health-care Supervisory Office (UDZS), which covers the Forensic Medicine and Necropsy Pathological Anatomy Department, strongly objects to the statements made by Government Proxy for Investigating COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar, stressing that allegations that pathologists and forensic doctors concealed the reasons for deaths during the pandemic to be misleading and false, TASR learnt from UDZS spokeswoman Monika Betkova on Friday.
"The erudite experts didn't deliberately conceal anything during the pandemic. On the contrary, they worked tirelessly under difficult conditions, aware that their findings were helping the professional and lay public to understand how the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus behaves, how it affects the human body and how to defend against it effectively," said the authority.
The office also pointed out that Slovakia was the only country in the world to confirm deaths 'from COVID' and 'with COVID' by autopsy. Experts acted in the first months when vaccination was introduced, performing autopsies in the case of deaths among the majority of vaccinated patients throughout Slovakia. According to the authority, this provided extensive and important knowledge that made it possible to correctly identify deaths in causal connection with vaccination.
Kotlar has asked Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka to take immediate action regarding the results of an analysis of batches of vaccines used against COVID-19 among the Slovak population. According to him, these showed that all the tested batches of mRNA vaccines contained genetic information that has the ability to modify human DNA. This, he said, could lead to the development of several serious diseases.