Remisova: Kalinak Violated Law with His Property Declaration on Purpose
včera 18:09
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) was hiding the ownership of the house in Croatia for more than six years, even in the period before I was chairing any House committee, House Conflict of Interest Committee chair Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) stated on Friday.
Remisova said this in response to Kalinak's statements earlier in the day, in which he was defending his decision not to list the house in Croatia in his property declaration as it's owned by his wife and he allegedly intended to protect his family's privacy.
"It was Kalinak himself who revealed the ownership of the luxury real estate to the media, but the thing he forgot to mention was that he's never listed it in his property declaration," noted Remisova. According to her, it's evident that Kalinak violated the constitutional law, which obligates him to include all his property in the declaration, on purpose. "The law doesn't contain any "because Remisova" provision and this excuse is downright silly," claimed Remisova, adding that she's considering to take legal action.