'Slovakia' and 'For the People' Criticise Police Campaigns as Non-transparent

včera 19:59
Bratislava, March 14 (TASR) - The 'Slovakia' and 'For the People' parties urge Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) to immediately release contracts related to 2024 police image and recruitment campaigns, worth a total of €222,000 and signed with a company called Good Rutt's, and in addition, the parties will file a complaint with the Public Procurement Authority (UVO) and the Supreme Audit Authority (NKU), MPs Veronika Remisova and Michal Sipos (both 'Slovakia'-For the People-KU alliance) declared at a press conference on Friday. According to Remisova, the commission for the recruitment campaign was a textbook case of non-transparency. "When we tried to check the new contract and learn what they're going to do and how, we found that such a contract has never been submitted to the central registry," she claimed. Remisova added that the Interior Ministry has also failed to publish the contract on the image campaign from July 2024. It is not clear how many firms the ministry reached out to, how many bidders applied and with what bids. "We urge the Interior Minister to release contracts concluded with the winning bidder without delay. The ministry needs to go public with how many bidders there were and what were the bids because the fact the contracts have never been published or maybe don't even exist raise serious suspicions of a non-transparent or perhaps even illegal course of action in this case," she said. mf
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