CRIF: 509 People Went Bankrupt in February, 65% of Them Men

včera 20:10
Bratislava, March 15 (TASR) - A total of 509 debtors went bankrupt in February, with 330 of them being men, a number that amounts to 65 percent, whereas the remaining 179 were women, 12 of whom had a university degree, CRIF-Slovak Credit Bureau has reported. CRIF analyst Jana Markova pointed out that in January a significant drop in bankruptcies was recorded and this trend continued also in February. "In year-on-year terms, February 2025 saw an almost 41-percent slump in personal bankruptcies, which, just as we expected, doesn't reflect the real number of debtors who filed for bankruptcy in January or February," she added. mf/lin
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