Remisova Rejects Disclosure of Information, Claims Kalinak Admitted to Ownership

včera 17:40
Bratislava, March 16 (TASR) - MP and House Conflict of Interest Committee chair Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) stated that she has never commented on or disclosed information about the family members of opposition or coalition MPs, responding to Defence Minister Kalinak (Smer-SD), who, according to her, made the ownership of the property public, TASR learnt from her party's press department on Sunday. "Robert Kalinak made the property ownership public himself, but forgot to mention that he had concealed it in his asset declaration," she stated. At a press conference on Sunday, 'Slovakia' party leader Igor Matovic stated that the opposition continues collecting signatures for the no-confidence motion in Kalinak, claiming that together with Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party, they currently have 27 signatures. Remisova also confirmed that if a session of House Conflict of Interest Committee is convened, the issue of the Defence Minister's actions will be discussed. During a Sunday discussion, Kalinak repeated that Remisova abused her position and shouldn't have disclosed the information regarding the villa in Croatia. He claimed she violated the rule that family members of politicians must submit property declarations, whereas only politicians are required to make theirs public. MPs of the 'Slovakia'-For the People-KU alliance stated on Thursday, March 13 that in his property declaration Kalinak failed to list a house in Croatia, which is supposed to be owned by his wife. lin
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