Sutaj Estok: Amendment to Address Financial Contributions to Political Parties

včera 18:56
Bratislava, March 16 (TASR) - The Interior Ministry is preparing a broader amendment to electoral legislation, which will include changes to the way political parties receive funding based on their performance in parliamentary election, with payments linked to the economic situation, TASR has learnt from Interior Minister and Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok. "We already have a more comprehensive reform in progress, which I mentioned in the past, including in terms of consolidation, and it should also address the amount of funding for political parties," said the minister last week. "If the country and its people are struggling, the situation regarding the payment of funding to political parties should be linked to that," he explained, adding that an agreement is still to be reached on whether the amendment will go through the government or as a parliamentary proposal. The Voice-SD party discussed a proposal last autumn to reduce the state financial contributions that parties receive based on election results. Voice-SD aims to ensure that political parties also contribute to consolidation measures. Political parties receive this funding for a four-year term if they secure at least three percent of the vote in general election. Based on the 2023 election results, eight parties and one alliance share the contribution. In 2025, the total funding for parties will amount to nearly €14.3 million. The overall contribution for the entire period for all parties together is calculated at €92.87 million. lin
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