UIS Investigator Charges Police Officer in Connection with School Attack

včera 20:43
Spisska Stara Ves, March 16 (TASR) - In connection with the attack by a student at grammar school in Spisska Stara Ves, an investigator of the Internal Affairs Inspectorate (UIS) has charged a police officer with the criminal offence of obstructing the duties of public officials, UIS spokesperson Andrea Dobiasova has confirmed, with television channel Markiza highlighting that the accused is the head of the local police department. "The police officer is said to have misjudged critical information regarding the student..., The officer could face imprisonment for one to five years, Dobiasova stated. The victims of the knife attack that took place at the grammar school in Spisska Stara Ves on January 16 were two women, aged 18 and 51, a student and the school's deputy headteacher. Another student was injured. The police have charged the suspect, an 18-year-old student, with premeditated murder. The investigator from the UIS outlined the steps the accused police department head should have taken prior to the attack. "Among the possible measures were forwarding the information to other units of the Police Corps, monitoring the school, increasing patrol activities, monitoring the movement of the individual, and observing the school facility and the person even before their arrival at the school facility on the day of the exams," Markiza quoted from the resolution. The Inspectorate is investigating the police's actions. The accused student had threatened his classmates via text messages a few days before the attack. At the time, the police assessed this behavior as bullying, not as a criminal offence. lin
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