Scheduled Events for M O N D A Y, March 17, 2025

dnes 7:30
BRATISLAVA 09.00 House's European Affairs Committee Nam. A. Dubceka 1 10.15 Press conference by Progressive Slovakia (PS) party, MP Lubomir Galko, and extra-parliamentary Democrats Subject: The Malinec case proves that the law on strategic investments is flawed. Proposal for its amendment PS HQ, Sturova 4 PRESOV REGION 09.30 Press conference by Investment Minister Richard Rasi, Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Ministry State Secretary Michal Kalinak and MP Richard Elias Subject: Christian Democrats chair and Presov Self-Governing Region head Milan Majersky preaches preaches one thing but does the opposite, we have evidence! Levocska 3 14.00 Transport Minister Jozef Raz to Hand Over Rental Apartments Pecovska Nova Ves, Kvetna ulica lin
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