SaS Files Criminal Complaint against Kotlar over mRNA Vaccine Statements
dnes 13:29
Bratislava, March 17 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has filed a criminal complaint against Government Proxy for the Investigation into COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar over suspicions that Kotlar committed scaremongering with his statements last week that impugned the safety and effectiveness of mRNA vaccines, SaS representatives announced in front of the Prosecutor-General's Office on Monday.
"The statements that we heard have convinced us that the crime of scaremongering was committed," said House health committee member Tomas Szalay. He added that the complaint also includes several scientific studies and analyses that disprove Kotlar's claims. Szalay emphasised that the complaint is being filed ahead of Kotlar's meeting with Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka on Wednesday (March 19). "So, the prosecutor-general can confront Mr. Kotlar with the materials we're submitting to him," he explained.
MP Jana Bitto Ciganikova (SaS) stated that no better textbook example of scaremongering exists than what the government proxy has done. "What else should be defined as scaremongering than having someone use gibberish to scare people, who, based on these claims, might later refuse vaccination in the future, even though their medical condition might require it?" she asked.
SaS vice-chair Maria Kolikova accentuated that the criminal complaint is not meant to silence freedom of speech, but to address the legal consequences to which such statements lead. "If someone disseminates hoaxes, nonsense that can endanger health and lives, they should face the consequences," she said.
Last week, Kotlar declared that his analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines proved that they are capable of modifying human DNA, which, in his opinion, can lead to the development of several serious illnesses.
Kotlar's statements have been condemned by experts and health institutions alike, who have pointed out that Kotlar failed to submit any scientific evidence to back up his claims. The opposition is demanding Kotlar's ouster.