Martin Muransky Set to Become New Ambassador to Czech Republic

včera 15:05
Bratislava, March 17 (TASR) - Martin Muransky, slated to become the new Slovak ambassador to the Czech Republic, presented his priorities to the House committee for European affairs on Monday. The planned priorities for Slovakia's Embassy in the Czech Republic stem from longstanding multi-generational experience, said Muransky. "The Czech Republic is historically our closest neighbor, a long-standing natural partner and civilisational fellow traveller in both good but also bad times in the flow of history," he said. Muransky added that Slovakia has a reason to maintain and extend ties with the Czech Republic, pointing out that the two countries are not divided by any historical traumas. "New impetus for further developing our bilateral ties might stem from a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine as an opportunity to overcome ideology-based polarisation within both of our countries," he claimed. mf/df
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