Animals from Slovakia and Hungary Can Be Transported Again to Czech Republic

včera 19:57
Prague, March 17 (TASR-correspondent) - Starting from Tuesday (March 18) it will again be possible to transport animals from Hungary and Slovakia to the Czech Republic, TASR learnt from its special correspondent in the Czech Republic. Checks at the Czech-Slovak border, which were introduced a week ago by the Czech Republic's State Veterinary Administration (SVS) due to the outbreak of contagious foot-and-mouth disease in Hungary, will also come to an end on Monday evening. According to SVS, there are no indications that the infection is spreading from the outbreak. "The main reasons why SVS has decided to mitigate the measures is that the eradication of the outbreak near the town Gyor in north-western Hungary has already been completed. All examinations of animals susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease in the protection zones around the outbreak in Hungary with an overlap into Slovakia have been negative," said the veterinary administration. am
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