SUMMARY - Monday, March 17, 2025 - 9 p.m.

včera 21:00
Pecovska Nova Ves, March 17 (TASR) - A total of 24 new rental flats were handed over for use in the village of Pecovska Nova Ves (Presov region) on Monday, with Transport Minister Jozef Raz (a Smer-SD nominee), director of the State Housing Development Fund (SFRB) Milan Lipka and mayor of the municipality Jaroslav Dujava in attendance. Bratislava, March 17 (TASR) - Continuing the policy of capping regulated gas and heating prices for households may mean costs for Slovak public finances totalling €1 billion in the next two years, analysts from the Budget Responsibility Council (RRZ) pointed out in a recent commentary, adding that unless the government adopts additional consolidation measures, this would mean an increase in the planned deficit of 0.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2026 and 0.3 percent of GDP in 2027. Poprad, March 17 (TASR) - The geriatric wing in Poprad Hospital (Presov region) has been completely renovated, and it was opened on Monday with Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) and Vice-premier for the Recovery Plan Peter Kmec in attendance. Prague, March 17 (TASR-correspondent) - Starting from Tuesday (March 18) it will again be possible to transport animals from Hungary and Slovakia to the Czech Republic, TASR learnt from its special correspondent in the Czech Republic. Prievidza, March 17 (TASR) - An Asian hornet was seen in the Upper Nitra area on Monday, the Environment Ministry posted on a social network on Monday, adding that this is the second record of this invasive species in Slovakia. Bratislava, March 17 (TASR) - The temperature may drop to minus 16 degrees Celsius at night in some districts, especially in northern and central Slovakia, prompting the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU) to issue a first-degree alert against low temperatures. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact am
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