Sakova: EU Action Plan Won't Cut Energy Prices Immediately

dnes 11:14
Bratislava, March 18 (TASR) - The European Commission's proposed measures in the action plan for affordable energy won't result in an immediate reduction in energy prices, but a drop could be obtained by restoring gas transit through Ukraine, stated Economy Minister Denisa Sakova (Voice-SD) on social media after the Energy Ministers' Council meeting in Brussels on Monday (March 17). "From our point of view, it's absolutely crucial to restore gas transit through Ukraine, which would lead to lower energy prices across Europe. This topic was also the subject of a separate discussion with Energy Commissioner Dan Jorgensen," said Sakova. According to the minister, a rapid solution is necessary, as Europe's gas storage capacity has already dropped below 35 percent and will need to be replenished during the summer months. Currently, prices on the exchange are around €41 per megawatt-hour, compared to one quarter lower at the same time last year. In addition to discussing high energy prices, the ministers addressed issues related to critical infrastructure and energy security architecture, which are essential for stable energy supplies to Europe and for strengthening European solidarity during crises said, Sakova. "For Slovakia, however, the top priority remains ensuring the security of gas supplies in our region at affordable prices, which requires restoring transit from the east through Ukraine via Slovakia to the west," she added. lin/df
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