'Slovakia' Party Claims It's Collected 30+ Signatures to Oust Minister Kalinak

dnes 15:15
Bratislava, March 18 (TASR) - The opposition 'Slovakia' party has allegedly garnered over 30 signatures for a no-confidence motion in Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) regarding his villa in Croatia, with the proposal set to be submitted in the next few days, 'Slovakia-For the People-KU' alliance chairman Michal Sipos stated at a press conference on Tuesday. Last week, MPs from the 'Slovakia' party claimed that Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) also owns a villa in Croatia. According to party leader Igor Matovic, Fico admitted in his blog published on Monday (March 17) that the villa in Croatia belongs to him. According to Matovic, Fico shouldn't be prime minister because he's dangerous. In his blog, Fico stated that he doesn't own anything in Croatia and that all claims regarding the construction of a villa have been refuted. He also announced that he's spoken to the owner of the house in Croatia that has been described as his property. He added that he apologised for any inconvenience caused to the owner and agreed to rent the house for his summer holiday. lin/df
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