Government to Hold Away-from-home Session in Kysuce Area
dnes 9:09
Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) - The government will hold an away-from-home session in the village of Vysoka nad Kysucou (Zilina region) in Kysuce area on Wednesday.
Representatives of local government, employers and institutions operating in the region should participate in the session as well.
According to the agenda, the cabinet should deal mainly with an analysis of the social-economic situation and selected problems of Cadca and Kysucke Nove Mesto districts and formulate proposals for improvements.
Ministers should also discuss transferring the public spending limit amounting to almost €298 million from the Transport Ministry to its subordinate organisations. The limit should be redistributed among the National Highway Company (€233.4 million) and rail-infrastructure owner ZSR (€64.4 million).