Fico: President Set to Appoint Migal as Minister on Wednesday Afternoon
včera 12:44
Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) - President Peter Pellegrini is set to appoint Samuel Migal to the post of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Minister at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) told a news conference following the cabinet session on Wednesday, adding that he's due to accept current minister Richard Rasi's (Voice-SD) resignation at the same time.
"I will inform you about everything concerning this issue, as well as what the parliamentary session will look like and what will happen only after this is done," the premier told the media.
The governing coalition should thus have the support of 79 MPs after the changes. "I think I can state that the 79 should be restored at the parliamentary session due to start on March 25, meaning that the governing coalition should be able to make decisions and at the same time hold important elections, including of the House chair and elections to other bodies that we need to complete," added Fico.
Fico on Tuesday (March 18) signed an agreement with Independent MPs Migal and Radomir Salitros, who were expelled from Voice-SD. In line with the agreement, Migal should become the Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Minister. He should replace Rasi in the post, who should become the House chair.