KDH Accepts President's Invitation to Roundtable on Security Issues

včera 15:45
Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) have accepted an invitation from President Peter Pellegrini to attend a roundtable discussion on security issues, emphasising the need for cross-party consensus and a constructive approach from both coalition and opposition parties, TASR has learnt from the party's communications department. "These are not questions of political games, but matters of Slovakia's survival in the new international political situation," the party stated, stressing that the issues concern the functioning and survival of Slovakia and the preservation of its state sovereignty. According to KDH, it's unacceptable for the political elites to fail to reach consensus on Slovakia's security. KDH argues that Slovakia must spend defence funds effectively and urge its NATO partners to invest similar resources. "It's essential that we use these funds effectively to strengthen security and stability, but we have doubts within KDH, as purchases are being made recklessly and aren't enhancing Slovakia's defence capabilities," warned the party. On Tuesday (March 18), the president announced a roundtable discussion to discuss strengthening Slovakia's defence capabilities and potential increases in defence spending. The event is scheduled to take place at the Presidential Palace on March 26. The head of state said that he would invite the chairs of parliamentary parties who received invitations to previous roundtable talks, as well as Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) and Chief-of-General-Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces Daniel Zmeko. lin/df
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